Saturday, May 26, 2012

Weekday Vegetarian

A great way to start detoxing is to become vegan. If becoming vegan sounds like it will be really difficult, you could always become a weekday vegan or vegetarian. With an abundance of restaurant choices that are specifically vegetarian or offer vegetarian options on Guam, this is a great way to make a difference in your life:

  • lower your cholesterol
  • get more energy
  • get rid of food addictions
  • save the planet, reduce your carbon footprint
  • lose some weight
  • be trendy and cool
  • save a little, vegetarian dishes cost less at restaurants
  • love animals, treat them with respect

The first few days may be difficult as you detox off of addictive foods (sugar, starch) until you get used to eating healthy, but consider it a good challenge and stock up on healthy snacks such as whole fruits and raw nuts. Stay away from white starches and switch to brown starches in moderation. Most of your meal should consist of vegetables, followed by a bit of fruit, brown starch, and/or legumes, and finally a bit of healthy oils and raw nuts.

Don't wait until you are famished to eat, as this may cause you to cheat. Please feel free to write me if you have any questions or need help and encouragement. 

Stay healthy! 


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