Thursday, June 23, 2011


Have you tried local soursop on Guam? It is one of my favorite fruits here. Sweet, sour, creamy, and delicious chilled. Also delicious in popsicle form.

First, skin and seed the soursop. This can be quite messy. Make sure you catch every seed!

Place seeded soursop in blender and add fresh young coconut water to dilute it. If you don't have coconut water, chilled green tea is a nice alternative.

Pour soursop-coconut water mixture in non-plastic Onyx popsicle molds.

Place popsicle sticks in molds. (Does anyone have a suggestion for a reusable non-plastic alternative to wooden popsicle sticks?)

Enjoy a soursopsicle after a nice boonie stomp!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Life Giving Coconuts

If you want fresh coconut water, grab a young, green coconut (manha) and a machete.
Hack away at the top...Until you see a hole...Drain into a glass and enjoy now or chill for later.
Halve the coconut...
Scoop out the sweet, tender meat and enjoy!Good news: coconuts are free and everywhere on Guam! It's a great local food source on Guam. Coconut water makes a great sports drink with potassium, magnesium, and sodium. (Don't have more than one or your digestive system will not like you.)

Monday, June 6, 2011

Local Fruit: Siniguelas

Siniguelas in view! O! the joy! Here is another local food I discovered here on Guam. This bite sized fruit is similar to a plum. The skin is crisp and the inside juicy. Look for them at a farmer's market...or make friends with a farmer...