Saturday, July 11, 2009

Recycling, Yes Please!

 (image borrowed from
Let's face it. We live on an island, and the space needed to store our garbage will overflow into our daily lives, if it has not already. The Ordot Dump is beyond capacity, and we still need a place to throw our trash. Why not recycle? Sure, it takes a little more effort, but the rewards will pay off for us in the future.

For those of us who have already made recycling a habit, why not extend that recycling arm other aspects of our lives? Such as starting to recycle at work, church, or places that we frequent.

We can also make an impact to businesses by voicing our opinion about trading styrofoam and plastics for compostable plant based disposables. If you want to go an extra step like some of my superstar friends, you can bring your own reusable container to pick up take out food and use reusable bags to carry your groceries.

It is easier to recycle if you have a community of people committed to doing it. How do you meet these wonderful people? Why not volunteer?

"The iRecycle program and the Green Army are looking for people who can simply stand at a recycling atoll and help carnival-goers put their recyclables in the correct bin and trash in the right can. When the bags get full, the volunteers pull them out. Volunteers at the end of the night help gather all the bags together as far as I understand.

Volunteer shifts vary depending on the day but we need a lot of help in the evening hours. The carnival runs every day so don't worry about there not being space for your help!

See either Peggy Denney at 484-9415 or Ann Marie (email below) If you would like to sign up for a night. If you don't feel like signing up, just show up and find Peggy. She is down there every night!"                                               - from Tammy Jo
In the end, these will not be small gestures if we all contribute to helping our island.

Did you know...
Where to Recycle on Guam
Aluminum Can Recycling Helps Schools on Guam

1 comment:

Leo said...

Excellent post! Unfortunately it's not easy to recycle on Guam - info on where to recycle is out of date, and you have to call around then make trips to Harmon.

When are we going to get curbside recycling, or at least convenient drop centers? Maybe you know of places to do that already?