Friday, October 16, 2009

Making Raw Organic Energy Bars

A friend of mine introduced me to a new obsession called the Larabar. It is a raw organic food bar made of dates and nuts.  I will continue to carry these delicious bars in my bag for an energy boost until a vegan fast food restaurant opens on Guam.

But, like any obsession, buying these bars can get quite costly. I decided to learn to make my own.

Organic dates
Organic raw nuts of your choosing
  1.  Remove seeds from dates. 
  2. Add to food processor.
  3. Roughly chop nuts. 
  4. Mix dates and nuts by hand.
  5. Press into a pan. Cut with knife. Wrap with waxed paper. Store in a sealed container in the refrigerator and consume in a timely manner.  
From Guam Vegan

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