Friday, December 17, 2010

Local Lettuce

As of December 10, select Payless stores, including Micronesia Mall, started selling a variety of locally-grown lettuce: Red butter, Lollo bionda, Red oak leaf, Green oak leaf, Lollo rossa, Green butter, Green butter incised leaf, and Red butter incised leaf, each for $3.99/lb. "Tri-head" (Green Oak, Lollo rossa, Lollo bionda) lettuce sells for $4.79. The lettuce is grown hydroponically, or without soil, and comes with the root system intact to supply the lettuce with nutrients after harvest. It is pesticide-free and insecticide-free. I sampled each variety and they were deliciously flavorful and fresh. A representative from the distributor told me all Payless stores would eventually start carrying the lettuce.

Try dressing the lettuce up with Thyme-Mustard Vinaigrette. Whisk the following ingredients until smooth and emulsified:
1 tbls. olive oil
2 tbls. cider vinegar
1 tsp. whole-grain mustard
1 small clove of garlic, minced
1/2 tsp. fresh thyme, finely chopped
pinch of sea salt
fresh ground pepper, as desired


giozi said...

This looks really good.

Drea said...

Wow! I haven't noticed that at Payless yet. Thanks for sharing. I'll pick some up this weekend.

melissa said...

I picked some up today and can't wait to try it! Thanks for the great dressing recipe! said...

Very good.

toni said...

Hi! As a former resident of Guam, I am glad I found your blog! I grew up on Guam and always just knew when certain fruits were in season, not by the month on the calendar but by the different family events happening. Today, I could not record these seasons if my life depended on it. I've just been gone for so long...

After seeing my rudimentary Central Texas meal-planning printable calendar ( friend of mine asked me to create one for Guam. I have two road-blocks to finish this project: first I am a beginner locavore and only learning about my local food supplies. Second: I no longer live on Guam and can't remember the seasonal products. I was wondering if you would want to collaborate on this calendar project based on your research. I can provide the graphic design if you can help me with the food info. What do you think? :-D

Please contact me via my website or email me directly (pinkstarstuff @ I look forward to hearing from you soon, and kudos on the timely and relevant blogging!