Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Quick Vegan Eats at GPO

Of course eating healthy food at home, or at one of the great vegetarian spots on island is always your best bet, but when you're out and about and need something to eat on the go, there are a couple of surprisingly good options here on Guam. Lisa has already written about vegan fare at the Micronesia Mall, but there's some at GPO as well!

It's not easy to get a perfect shot in GPO in December, but
that banner reads, "Vegetarian Dishes, Fresh Spring Rolls,
Fresh Salads, Wraps, Cold Noodles, Fresh Fruits and
Assorted Cakes." Yes, please!

Froots, which has an Agana Shopping Center location as well as one in GPO, offers a Mediterranean Wrap and a Veggie Wrap that can be made vegan by omitting cheese. They're also happy to make you a smoothie without the dairy (sherbert or yogurt). My personal favorites, however, are China Wok's already prepared veggie items, like their cous cous wrap and their fresh spring rolls. On occasion, they also have vegan cake slices available. The first time I saw the words "vegan" and "cake" in their dessert case, I was pregnant, craving sweets, and overjoyed -- that is until I realized that I didn't have cash on me, or my atm card. Since then, I have walked by in hopes of seeing vegan cake offered every time I go to GPO, but it was never there. This past weekend, I decided to check once more, expecting to be disappointed when, like the unicorn of the dessert world, THERE IT WAS:

Vegan orange cake, made with whole wheat flour! It was light, not too sweet, and just look at all of that delicious fruit on top (yes, those are pomegranate seeds)! That's not the only vegan cake in their repertoire, either - I have seen them offer chocolate slices as well. So, while you're out doing your holiday shopping, you can still find healthy vegan eats!


Leesa Chau said...

Melissa, over the weekend, I ate the other piece of vegan cake at China Wok! it was delicious! And I was so happy to have a piece of the rare delicacy... vegan cake! You are right it is a unicorn!


melissa said...

Lisa, I am so glad you snatched it up!! You had great timing :)