Monday, January 11, 2010

My Kitchen Is Sprouting

From Guam Vegan

What is the raw food diet? I can't only eat carrots! 

That is a misconception about raw food, and the same misconception that many people have about being vegetarian or vegan. When I eat raw foods, I feel energized without caffeine and my body feels great. So I'm on a quest to learn more about how to make raw meals. I am especially inspired by Ruthe and Mark, the owners of Cafe Dharma and Vibrant Living.

To start, all of the food in a raw food diet is living.  And when it is cooked or dehydrated, the food is never exposed to temperatures over 104-150 F to keep the natural enzymes intact. These enzymes found in raw foods aid in the uptake of nutrients and help our digestion.

Nuts, grains, and seeds are often sprouted to unleash their nutrients.

The first step is soaking. The seeds are soaked to release the growth and digestion inhibitor that coats every seed. After a period of time, the seeds are rinsed to wash away the inhibitor. Now the seed can grow uninhibited.

Seeds are kept moist (but not wet) to allow them to sprout. First a root begins to form, and the sprouts are rinsed every 12 hours. When the root is about 1/4 inch long, it is time to harvest (eat) them.

You can put them in nondirect sunlight (shade) for an hour for the added nutritional benefit that chlorophyll brings.

Or, they can be eaten as is, added to salad, used to make burger patties, etc. They taste fresh and slightly sweet. They should be eaten within several days and kept in the refrigerator. Alternatively, sprouts may be boiled for a few minutes to soften them if you desire a different texture. This will destroy the beneficial enzymes and some of the nutrients, but it is an option if you are trying to create a particular dish.

My kitchen has turned into a sprout nursery. I'm sprouting quinoa, mung beans, garbanzo beans and brown rice. It is fun watching them grow and caring for baby plants which will become very nutritious food.

From Guam Vegan

I have not washed a single pot or pan all week, because I am not cooking! In time, I know I will learn more raw food tricks to share.

Until then, you can try raw food at the new Dharma Cafe located at Synergy in Maite. They are open for lunch and dinner Monday through Fridays and for lunch on Saturdays.

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